OTHER names

City Environmental Quality Review Act

As mandated by the State Environmental Quality Review Act, CEQR is the process by which New York City agencies determine what effect, if any, a discretionary action they approve may have upon the environment. CEQR is a disclosure process and not an approval process in and of itself.

A project may need certain discretionary actions or approvals by one or more city, state, or federal agencies before it can start. An action may be initiated by the City or proposed by private applicants for approval by a city agency. To determine whether a project needs to be reviewed under CEQR, ask the following:

• Does the project need discretionary approvals or permits from any city agency?
• Does the project need city funding?
• Is the project being directly undertaken by a city agency?
If the answer is *YES* to any of these questions, a project needs to undergo a CEQR review. If state or federal funding or approvals are also needed, a project must comply with the requirements of SEQRA and NEPA, respectively. The lead agency is primarily responsible for the review and assists the applicant through this process.

Source: Government of New York City

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